Healthy teeth are more important than you think in this modern era, where more and more emphasis is placed on physical appearance and, above all, on physiognomy. Some people are born with perfect teeth, and others need help looking good. People in the second category are advised to visit the specialists in endodontics in the NYC office from an early age to discover and fix their problems. The answer to the question "What does it mean" is simple. The term comes from Greek and is translated as "the inside of the tooth."
What Is the Purpose of Endodontic Treatment?
In the last few years, endodontics has become a specialty of dental medicine. It refers to the techniques of prevention, diagnosis, and especially treatment of diseases due to a part of the tooth, more specifically the pulp. Endodontic treatment helps the patient to keep his natural teeth as long as possible. The endodontist deals only with the treatment of dental canals. The canal is a section of the tooth that contains the dental nerve and blood vessels. Together these two elements form a dental pulp. The dental pulp has the role of protecting the tooth.
It can also detect temperature changes, so you can occasionally feel discomfort or pain when eating very cold or hot foods. Once the dental pulp has been affected by caries, it cannot repair itself and needs treatment. That is root canal treatment. If the affected tooth has a large cavity, a deep crack, or a fracture, bacteria from the oral environment will affect the pulp and trigger the infection. Over time those bacteria will increase in number and affect the bone where the tooth is implanted. For more information on the topic, please visit
What Is the Difference Between an Endodontist and a Dentist?
The dentist is a generalist doctor, while the endodontist specializes in this branch of dental medicine. The treatments performed by the endodontist are more complex than those of the dentist. Therefore, dentists who want to practice this specialty at the performance level participate in additional training programs after university studies. A dentist can perform endodontic treatment, but he cannot do it at an extraordinary level of quality, as a doctor with a predominantly endodontic practice would. He also uses different technologies that are used only in endodontic treatment.
Nowadays, doctors in any field have many new procedures, techniques, and technologies that help them keep their patients healthy. Years ago, things were so much different from now. You were visiting NYC, and out of the blue, a tooth started to hurt; you got ahead and ran to the dentist. He checked you out, made you the treatment that brought you out of the pain, and that was all, but what if the source of the in would have another cause? These days, orthodontists have the means for a more appropriate check thanks to the way science evolved.
In the microscopic procedure, endodontic treatment is carried out using the following technologies:
Technology that allows therapy to be carried out under direct visual control.
The doctor has better control over the maneuvers that the doctor performs.
The microscope provides intense illumination of the operating field and a maximum magnification of 12.5 times.
The endodontist can observe details that the naked eye cannot identify.
Rotary tools have a greater degree of flexibility and torsional strength compared to some tools made of steel.
The specialists in endodontics in NYC can approach extremely curved canals while respecting their natural shape.
Systems and Tools for Proper Analysis of the Tooth
Modern obturation systems – help the endodontist to three-dimensionally seal root canals using thermoplastic gutta-percha and achieve a precise, efficient, and predictable root canal obturation.
Modern systems for disinfection of endodontic canals based on ultrasound or laser ensure the disappearance of bacteria from the endodontic space that was the basis of infectious pathology.
Dental X-ray machine – helps the endodontist make a correct diagnosis to achieve safe and predictable treatment.
What Are the Stages of Treatment?
Endodontic treatment includes several stages and is necessary when tooth decay evolves, slowly penetrating the enamel and dentin and reaching the level of the pulp chamber. The patient has a pulp infection that produces inflammation. Next is root canal preparation - this stage can be done with manual, rotary systems, or a mix. The entire treatment depends on this stage. The practice should be conical with a small diameter at the root tip. Removing the nerve will be done using different substances in stages. Each substance has an individual role in disinfecting the root canal.
The root canal will be sealed using a paste and a gutta-percha by the classic or the modern 3D obturation method. The root canal treatment is an entirely painless procedure. Also, all these treatments are performed under deep local anesthesia to comfort the patient and the dentist. After the treatment sessions in NYC, but also after the completion of the treatment, the patient may feel a sensitivity in the tooth. If a root canal treatment was performed incorrectly, it is suitable for the patient to return to the office for verification and redoing the therapy.
Don't let an incorrectly performed root canal cost you a tooth! Come back to the clinic! Generally, a typical endodontic treatment takes 1-2 hours, but some complex cases may require two or even more sessions. Extraction is done when the tooth is so damaged that it cannot be saved; that is, a cavity is so deep that filling the tooth will only delay its fracture into several pieces, a painful experience for the patient. Both are usually performed under anesthesia, so they are painless.
Root Canal Treatment vs. Dental Extraction
Root canal treatment is an attempt to save the tooth through dental obturation, while extraction does not give it any chance.
The tooth's nerve is removed during root canal treatment by the endodontics specialist.
It is a treatment that takes place under anesthesia and removes pain from existence.
Root canal treatment is also known as endodontic treatment.
Costs of endodontic treatment vary but are less expensive than extracting the affected tooth and replacing it with an implant or dental work.