Quick Guide on Understanding the Benefits of a Cat Scratching Post

Cat scratching post

Most cat owners have become accustomed to the typical behaviour of a cat, which is scratching the furniture. But then again, this is a habit that can easily be changed by the use of a cat scratching post. Scratching does not imply the cat is trying to damage the owner’s possessions. Instead, it is a normal activity for felines. Providing a scratching post aids in any such behavioural condition, thereby saving the furniture as well as the carpets from being wrecked. Thus, this guide first clarifies why it is important to keep trying to permit a cat to scratch, how to best approach the selection of the most convenient scratching post, and finally, how to properly set the post in place so that it is used most of the time.

A Deeper Look: Why Do Cats Scratch?

A cat will scratch as a means to satisfy their needs. Claws are among the most important tools a cat has. The other behaviour cats portray as they scratch is stretching. They stretch out to calm themselves; it’s quite amusing, really, as twisting and scratching can be a bit of a workout. It's almost like saying that the rougher they scratch, the better.

As said, cats scratch to express territorial behaviour, which is the last point. Scratching allows them to mark their territory as they have scent glands in their paws. This movement helps them settle in their territory and establish that this is their area of comfort.

Factors To Help You Decide on A Scratching Post

In the market, you will find some out-of-the-ordinary products that are designed to meet the needs of your pet. In turn, this helps you take better care of your home by fulfilling the scratching needs of your cat in all circumstances. Now, the first and foremost thing that needs to be addressed is height. Cats extend their limbs and claws when they scratch. So, the post has to be built at a height that can accommodate a cat's natural movement. Always remember that a post is not lightweight. It is supposed to be strong. Therefore, stability becomes a critical aspect if a post is, for example, able to shake or tumble while in use; this would deter cats from using the scratching post.

There are also other considerations, like the material of the post. Out of texture and strength, cats often favoured scratching with ropes. Many others, such as carpets or cardboard, are good too but rather have more chances of being torn apart. It also has to be appropriate, whether it is in the form of a vertical column, horizontal slab, or even a stand-alone.

Reasons Why a Cat Scratching Post Is Important

Having a cat scratching post gives you and your pet many advantages. We understand how vital it is for your pet to scratch. Hence, a scratcher has been designed to make your pet comfortable. You also end up getting the benefit as your furniture won’t be destroyed as much now. A cat scratcher also serves as a workout for your cat as it exercises their muscles while letting them scratch.

This means that you are getting double the deal. What you spend on a scratcher would be inexpensive when compared to potential damage. A nasty scratch on your couch can be avoided, and if you think you have fancy designs, who knows, some cat scratchers can take the shape of decor. According to Veterinary Partner, “Scratching is a natural behaviour of cats, which makes it difficult to modify. The usual goal is to transfer the cat's scratching instinct to a scratching post or other scratching toy; it is virtually impossible to control the desire to scratch completely.

How to Encourage Your Cat to Use the Cat Scratchers

Even though scratching posts can be a struggle for your cat, use of them should be enforced so that there is lasting reward and the wait is worth it. Not to mention, your cats will be less likely to destroy things around your house because you have a cat scratching post.

Do you know the place where the cat scratches the most? Put the scratching post there, and the cat will definitely use it in a matter of days. Also, to improve results, you can apply some catnip on the scratcher or tie some of their toys to it. Each time your cat uses the scratching post, be sure to give them a reward or compliment them. This action reinforces the cat's habit of using the post by associating it with an incentive. It is essential to keep in mind that taming an animal from the previous habit is not a matter of hours, so you must be patient.

Cat scratching post 2

How to Maintain a Cat-Scratching Post

  • Do regular maintenance: Regular checks and maintenance are extremely important and required to ensure that the scratching post does not become obsolete and endanger the cat.

  • Look for worn parts on the scratching post: The materials used on the post are damaged over time, and these would be outlined or become loose. In order to consider the post as efficient and healthy, such elements need to be replaced and maintained.

  • Getting rid of dirt or germs completely: The product should be cleaned and wiped off with an animal-friendly disinfectant to control odour, dirt, and germs. Simply cleaning the surface of the post with a cloth to remove the hair or soil particles is not adequate enough to maintain good hygiene.

The Dual Benefits of Scratching Posts for Your Cat and Your Home

It is fascinating, but a scratching post not only improves the living conditions of a cat but also stops any damage that could be inflicted on the furniture. You can avoid scratched furniture, carpets, and walls, which implies that you do not need to spend plenty of cash to repair them.

Cat scratching posts also, aside from their utility to protect, help reduce the amount of mess in your household. In this way, your cat will not spend energy messing around and doing any damage to your furniture.

When buying a cat scratching post, one of the first instructions is to take a good look at the materials used for the product. Although they may seem a little expensive, if a cat scratching pole is properly designed, it will last for a long period of time and perfectly meet your cat's needs. With a little work, such as cleaning or replacing broken parts, the scratching post can be in a very functional condition, allowing you and your cat to get the best out of it.