The lean Six Sigma certification is almost essential in today’s business world. As a business owner, you need to have a certain level of mastery if you want to compete with others and have any chance to get a piece of the market. On the other hand, you can also use these courses to master this methodology, create your own team, and provide services for companies that may require your help.
What Is Lean Six Sigma and How Is It Different from the Standard Six Sigma?
Lean Six Sigma is a team-focused managerial approach to business improvement. It is focused on two main factors that affect the growth of your business. The first is resource wasting, and the second is defect elimination. Both of these have the role of increasing both the effectiveness and efficiency of your business process, which will provide an overall improvement to your company.
As the name implies, it combines both the Six Sigma methodology and the Lean philosophy to accomplish the best possible results. Meaning that will cover both the discovery and elimination of process errors and the waste of resources such as time, money, effort, and talent.
As a result, the utilization of all your company’s resources will be focused on providing maximum value for clients while also reducing your business costs. As a result, the satisfaction of your customers will increase together with the profit margins. In conclusion, it is in your best interest to either get a certification in this field or hire a professional team to help your company.
Types of Lean Six Sigma Certification You Should Know About
There are three types of Lean Six Sigma certification that you can choose from. These are the courses focused on Lean philosophy, which you can then combine with the Six Sigma methodology. You should choose the one that fits your goals, so you will need to learn the basics about each one. So, what are the three available options, and what do they have to offer?
Lean Introduction. This is the most basic course that will only provide you with a comprehensive overview of the principles of Lean Thinking. It can help you manage your business better, but the level of usefulness is relatively low. The best use of this course is to fully understand the work done and the results produced by a team of professionals that will implement this method in your business.
Lean Fundamentals. This course is on the next level. Besides the overview, you will also develop vital skills required to participate in Lean projects. It is not enough to create and lead a team with only this certification; you can start your career in a professional team with it.
Lean Master. This is the level that will offer you mastery over the five principles of Lean. You will learn all the techniques used to create continuous improvements in an organization. This includes how to create a personalized strategy and lead a team to implement it successfully.
Find Out How Lean Six Sigma Certification Combine the DMAIC with the LEAN Principles
As mentioned, the Lean Six Sigma certification focuses on the management approach of a business. Its goal is to reduce the wastage of a company’s resources. To be more precise, there are eight factors considered in this approach. They form the acronym DOWNTIME, which comes from defects, overproduction, waiting, non-utilized talent, transportation, inventory, motion, and extra-processing. In the lean approach, there are many different methods, measures, and tools used to either identify or eliminate any of these kinds of waste.
On the other hand, Six Sigma is a methodology that focuses on all the processes used in a business. It has a comprehensive cover and includes all the techniques and tools required to minimize or eliminate all the errors or defects of a process. This method has several steps that also form an acronym, which is DMAIC.
It comes from Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, and Control, which are the five steps that any process must go through to be fully optimized. The name of each step is very intuitive, and you can easily imagine the general approach and how it will affect your business. The combination of Lean Six Sigma focuses on reducing process errors and defects that also include the waste of resources.
How Will This Type of Training Help Your Business?
If you are a business owner, you may be inclined to hire a professional team that can implement the Lean Six Sigma approach in your business. But this can be pretty difficult for new companies that have limited funds. So, it may be worth it to spend some time and money on the certification and cover the needs of your business yourself.
In this situation, you may be interested to find more details about the benefits and advantages that you can expect to get from this approach. The most important ones for a company are:
Improve the experience of workers and clients. With more efficient processes, your employees will have an easier time taking care of their tasks, which will make their work experience more positive. Your clients will also benefit from increased convenience and more positive employees, which will improve the customer experience as well.
Increased capability to capitalize on new opportunities. First, your business will have more resources available. Secondly, your processes will be streamlined. These two factors are the essential ones that will allow your company to capitalize on new opportunities that it would otherwise have no choice but to let pass by.
Improve your company culture and employees’ skills. Remember that this is a company-wide approach, meaning that all your employees will have a certain level of involvement. As a result, you can expect a positive influence on your company’s culture, and your employees will have many opportunities to grow and learn new skills.